
I have just installed ClanLib and Pingus from svn, using the latest version of svn from fink 10.4-transitional unstable:

I used Xcode 2.3, gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341), and zlib 1.2.3, all on Mac OS X 10.4.6 (8I127) on a PowerBook G4.

*Getting Pingus source:

says that ClanLib 0.9 is incompatible with (pingus/Mac OS X)?

So I downloaded ClanLib-0.8 using the instructions at: http:// www.clanlib.org/subversion.html
Checked out revision 930.

For Pingus I used the instructions at http://developer.berlios.de/ svn/?group_id=2301

Downloaded pingus trunk:
Charis:~/Projects/Pingus twilsonb$ svn co svn://svn.berlios.de/pingus/ trunk/
Checked out revision 2635.

*Building ClanLib 0.8:

I chose to use the universal binary instructions at http:// www.clanlib.org/wiki/XCode_Universal_Binaries and used the binaries from http://www.clanlib.org/download-binaries- osx-gcc40-universal.html

The build worked fine - about 5-10 minutes .

*Building pingus trunk:

Opened the Pingus.xcodeproj in the svn directory. I changed to universal binaries and subversion.

I changed the ClanLib frameworks so they were referenced via a dependency on the ClanLib project. This caused me trouble later on because the new references to the frameworks meant that they didn't get copied to the Frameworks directory properly - but that was easy enough to sort out.

I started to build, and found the following errors:

Info.plist does not exist
config.h does not exist


Tried running ./autogen.sh
configure.ac:22: `automake requires `AM_CONFIG_HEADER', not `AC_CONFIG_HEADER'
Didn't create configure.

Installed automake1.7 from fink (had automake 1.9). No warnings this time - and a working configure!

Configure needed to be run with:

$ PINGUS_CFLAGS=-F/Users/twilsonb/Projects/Pingus/ClanLib-0.8/MacOSX PINGUS_LIBS="-F/Users/twilsonb/Projects/Pingus/ClanLib-0.8/MacOSX - framework Carbon -framework ClanCore -framework ClanApp -framework ClanDisplay -framework ClanGL -framework ClanSDL -framework ClanGUI - framework ClanGUIStyleSilver -framework ClanSound -framework ClanVorbis -framework ClanMikMod" ./configure --prefix=/Users/ twilsonb/Projects/Pingus/Install

And then I had a config.h.

Needed to add /Users/twilsonb/Projects/Pingus/Pingus-trunk/trunk to the header search paths so that Xcode could find config.h. (I didn't notice the macosx directory in the project until later).


Copied over the Info.plist and strings file from a standard carbon C+ + project. Made a few modifications such as ID, version, and resources file = no.

After these changes, Pingus built in around 15-20 minutes with 2x 1.5GHz PowerPC G4s.


This is the output I get in the Console when I run Pingus:
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/levels/
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/levels/dist
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/themes/
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/savegames/
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/images/
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/cache/
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/demos/
Successfully created: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/screenshots/
Pingus: Unknown throw caught!

It got much further when I set DISPLAY to :0 in the executable environment tab. But then it failed with missing symbols (it could continue to a certain point because of ZeroLink - so I switched it off).

Got the following error:

/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
Pingus::WorldMapNS::MetaMap::MetaMap(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
Pingus::WorldMapNS::MetaMap::finish_node(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
Pingus::GUI::Checkbox::Checkbox(Pingus::Vector, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, Pingus::GUI::CheckboxListener*) Pingus::Editor::LevelHead::LevelHead(Pingus::Editor::EditorPanel*, Pingus::Editor::PanelButtonHead*) Pingus::GUI::InputBox::InputBox(float, Pingus::Vector, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/dot_factory.o reference to undefined Pingus::WorldMapNS::WorldDot::WorldDot(Pingus::FileReader) /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/manager.o reference to undefined Pingus::WorldMapNS::MetaMap::get_default_worldmap() /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/manager.o reference to undefined Pingus::WorldMapNS::MetaMap::MetaMap(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/manager.o reference to undefined Pingus::WorldMapNS::MetaMap::~MetaMap() /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/worldmap.o reference to undefined Pingus::WorldMapNS::MetaMap::finish_node(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/worldmap.o reference to undefined Pingus::WorldMapNS::MetaMap::get_final_worldmap() /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/editor_panel.o reference to undefined Pingus::GUI::Checkbox::Checkbox(Pingus::Vector, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, Pingus::GUI::CheckboxListener*) /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/panel_buttons.o reference to undefined Pingus::Editor::LevelHead::LevelHead(Pingus::Editor::EditorPanel*, Pingus::Editor::PanelButtonHead*) /tmp/build/intermediates/Pingus.build/Debug/Pingus.build/Objects- normal/i386/file_dialog.o reference to undefined Pingus::GUI::InputBox::InputBox(float, Pingus::Vector, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Needed to add the world_dot, metamap, checkbox, and checkbox_listener, input_box, and level_head source and/or header files to the project.

Then I don't get any link errors.


This is the output I get:

Welcome to Pingus 0.7.0 (unofficial build)!
clanVorbis support:           ok
clanMikMod support:           ok
getext support: missing (only support for english will be available)
sound support:           enabled
music support:           enabled
resolution set to:       800x600
fullscreen:              disabled
refresh rate:            60
using OpenGL:            1

SavegameManager: Couldn't find savegame file '/Users/twilsonb/.pingus/ savegames/savegames.xml', starting with a empty one.
Pingus: Unknown throw caught!

after it opens a window.

See my cross-post to clanlib-devel for details of what I think is going on here. The actual error was "Compressed sample is invalid for /tmp/build/products/Development/Pingus.app/Contents/Resources/ data/music/pingus-1.it" from libMikMod.

It didn't play in VLC 0.8.4 the first time I tried, but it worked just now. So it would appear to be a problem with libMikMod 3.2.0 or ClanMikMod 0.8. It also plays fine in fink's MikMod 3.2.2-beta1. Should I just upgrade the mikmod library version?

After that, I ran with no music (-m), which solved the problem so I could play games.

When I tried to exit by blowing them all up (nuke), I got unknown throw again:

[Session started at 2006-06-24 19:26:24 +1000.]
Welcome to Pingus 0.7.0 (unofficial build)!
clanVorbis support:           ok
clanMikMod support:           ok
getext support: missing (only support for english will be available)
sound support:           enabled
music support:          disabled
resolution set to:       800x600
fullscreen:              disabled
refresh rate:            60
using OpenGL:            1

SavegameManager: Couldn't find savegame file '/Users/twilsonb/.pingus/ savegames/savegames.xml', starting with a empty one.
Starting level: Learning to dig
DemoRecorder: Writing demo to: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/demos/ tutorial_digger-tutorial2-grumbel-20060624-192838.xml
Client::process_events (): unhandled event: 4
Client::process_events (): unhandled event: 4
Client::process_events (): unhandled event: 4
Client::process_events (): unhandled event: 4
Client::process_events (): unhandled event: 4
Client::process_events (): unhandled event: 4
Client::process_events (): unhandled event: 4
Starting level: Float or Die
DemoRecorder: Writing demo to: /Users/twilsonb/.pingus/demos/ tutorial_floater-tutorial-grumbel-20060624-192932.xml
Pingus: Unknown throw caught!

Pingus has exited with status 0.

So I just avoided that action - I imagine it's a sound thing again.

Pingus works great fullscreen on a 20-inch cinema display, and also in a window. I was able to play all the way through the tutorial without any instability and great performance. If someone could help me out with the sound (and maybe CL_Error) problems that would be great.


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