On 8/29/07, Karl Ove Hufthammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. At least the version info should be translatable. E.g., in Norwegian, it
> should say «Pingus versjon» instead of «Pingus version» and «uoffisielt bygg»
> instead of «unofficial build».

That would lead to having a text in mixed language, not a good idea.

> 2. The piece is just a reference to the file COPYING, and should IMO be
> translatable.

I don't trust translators enough to do a good job at that.

> 3. Shouldn't the copyright be to 'The Pingus development team' (which should
> be translatable, BTW) instead of just 'Ingo Ruhnke'?

Maybe, if any of the other developers complains I'll change it, but on
the other side there never really was much of a team, just me + always
changing contributors.

> It *is* worth fixing. English text in a localised game looks really bad.

Its really a very tiny issue, most commercial games never translate
in-game gfx and since I have some doubt about the graphic quality this
would result in, nope, it will stay in english for now.

> How? The actual names of the options are still in English; it is only the
> descriptions (and words that should be substituted) that change.

I mean remove all translation from output to the console completly, so
that everything there is english and only the game itself stays

> Great. This would fix the UTF8 problems in console output too, for all
> practical purposes.

Not really, since all the people with ISO-8859-X consoles would still
get broken output, it would just break for different people.
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