On Fri 28 Dec 2007 02:15, Jason Green pondered:
> On Dec 28, 2007 2:12 AM, Robin Getz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was wondering if there was any interest in accepting patches for smaller
> > displays? (like QVGA - 320x240 or WQVGA 480x272 - right now, things are
> > not playable, since the screens right before the level needs to
> > click "OK", and I can't see the button).
> Yep, there sure is.  I'm not active on the project at the moment, but
> I was toying with the idea of an iPhone port, and I know grumbel
> talked about having Pingus on portables in the past.  It's perfectly
> feasible, of course, but there will be a bit of work to do in order to
> make all of the interfaces and and levels playable at smaller
> resolutions.

I guess one of the questions is - what size is the "portable" resolution that 
should be tested/supported? Display manufactures (Sharp) make a pethora:
  - 176 x 220 (QCIF+)
  - 240 x 320 (QVGA, Portrait)
  - 320 x 240 (QVGA, Landscape)
  - 320 x 320 (Square)
  - 480 x 234 (WQGVA)
  - 480 x 272 (WQVGA)
  - 480 x 320 (iPhone)
  - 480 x 640 (VGA. Portrait)
  - 640 x 480 (VGA)
  - 960 x 234 

and grow from there - I don't think there is any trouble with VGA today, but 
when things get smaller, it doesn't work (today). I didn't think QCIF was 
pratical - and that QVGA (Landscape) would be the smallest thing to target.

> Feel free to submit patches and join the other devs on
> irc.freenode.net, in #pingus.  It's a pretty quiet channel most of the
> time, though.

Yeah, it will take me a little to start poking at the svn code - I'll drop a 
line when I start whacking on things.


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