Natalie Nadozirny wrote:
> This is an off topic question, but I'm sure someone on this list can
> help me out.  I have just purchased the Nikon Coolpix 995 for the
> sole purpose of using it for infrared photography.  Does anyone know
> of anyone who can replace the glass inside the camera for me?  I am
> willing to pay someone to do it, because I don't trust that I can do
> a good job.  I'm sure I would never get the camera back together
> properly.  Any suggestions?

Why are you replacing glass?

Take the camera into a dark room with a TV remote control.  Turn on
the camera and it's LCD.  Point the remote at the camera and press a
button.  If you see a bright light on the camera's LCD the camera is
sensitive to IR.  I know that my Nikon Cool Pix 800 is sensitive to
IR, and I'm pretty sure the 9xx series is too.

If you want to photograph by only IR light you can use an IR filter
(this will be opaque to visible light).  An online search will point
out a few options.

If you don't want to buy a filter, process some unexposed E6 (slide)
film.  What you get back will look black, but is transparent to IR.
You can mount this on the front of the camera to take IR pictures.
You'll need to compose through the viewfinder.

Brian Reynolds                  | "But in the new approach, as you know,              |  the important thing is to understand |  what you're doing rather than to get
NAR# 54438                      |  the right answer." -- Tom Lehrer

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