Thank you, Guillermo, for the knowledge and wisdom you contributed to
pinhole day, and to what you contribute to the list throughout the year.
Long live El Salvador and long live Toronto!

- Gregg

On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, G.Penate wrote:

> Well, Taco, It is like Dirk Nowitzski, the German basketball player, star of 
> the
> Dallas Mavericks, he may play and live in the USofA for the greater part of 
> the
> year, but when it comes to International Events, I am pretty sure he plays for
> Germany.  I am no star, just your run of the mill occasional pinholer, but in
> this International event, I choose to "play" as a Salvadorean.
> > Actually, it also seems that there are no 43 countries but less: I never
> > heard of a country called "Europa Island" and the e-mail address of
> > Mercedes is definitively in Spain, same for Guillermo, known as living
> > in Canada but giving as location El Salvador. (and then with the
> > subtitle "Partial view of Toronto's skyline...")
> > taco
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