Thanks for the reply. As for now the camera design phase is on hold till I
get some other things done. A shame when work gets in the way of creation.
But so far the camera is a 6x12 format, using a 67.5 mm focal length and a 3
micron pinhole. I am planning on using a curved film plane to help eliminate
vignetting (though I am uncertain if this is even needed, I have to locate
the calculations regarding image circle to film plane stuff). How do I
figure out the vertical angle of view? I have a foam board prototype to help
me in the planning stage. The only problem that I am really having is the
film winding mechanism. Anyhow should this endeavor work itself out I am
hoping to make the plans available on my site should anyone be interested in
it. Then again I really should focus on my gallery. Anyhow enjoy and thanks

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