> Hi,
> A questions for those of you who test films.
> Speaking of the same film, if I make a test (exposure
> or development, or whatever), say, in a 120 roll of
> brand X, are the results still valid for the same film
> in different formats (35mm, 4x5 sheets, etc.)?
> Many thanks.

My experience is:  no.  First, you shoot them in different cameras, and the
shutters in those different cameras may vary, so that your 35mm camera
shoots TriX at say 600 while your 4x5 shoots it at 320.  (I have an old
Lubitel that requires an ISO of 1600 for TriX!)

But let's say all your shutters are perfectly timed.  You process the film
differently with different formats.  Like, 120 you process on a reel in a
canister of some sort, and maybe you process the 4x5 in a tray or tube.  So
that will make a difference.  Unfortunately, it seems, you have to test each
format separately.  The exception perhaps being sheet film in tubes.
Probably 4x5 TriX and 8x10 TriX in their respective tubes need about the
same amount of time.


> Marcelo
> Marcelo Mammana
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