> Hi, just wondered if people ever put paper negatives in the enlarger.  If
> so, are there any problems with it?
> --shannon

Absolutely, positively, Sharon.  I have enlarged many paper negatives, b+w
and color.  No problem, it just takes a lot longer for the light to burn
through and onto the paper so you'll have longer exposure times.  Strap that
paper negative in the negative holder just as if it were a regular negative
and have at it.  Oh, I almost forgot, if you're working with b+w, open the
lense all the way open and use 0 contrast, that will help cut down exposure

Lot's of people shoot paper negatives in lensed cameras to get a soft focus
feel similar to pinhole work.  A good friend of mine, probably the most
accomplished photographic artist I've worked with, used to make her own
strips of color paper negatives and wind them into a Yashica Mat 120 twin
lense reflex and use it like a normal camera, she didn't get 12 shots a roll
because of the difference in thickness, but I know she got several.  Really
impressive results because she could gain the same control of depth of field
as a regular negative, but have that same soft feel of the paper negative.

Sorry to ramble like that.  By all means, enlarge paper negatives for larger

Roy, Washington

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