The finney bodycaps seem a bit pricey for a $1.75
bodycap with $.02 brass shim material attached. 
However, if it had a much smaller pinhole it would be
a much more useful item.

--- Ed Nazarko <> wrote:
> The Finney pinhole that's made for Nikon says, on
> the paper that comes
> with it, that it's F-180 at 50mm; it's a .011"
> diameter hole.  That
> might be a good reference point for experimentation
> if you're going to
> try drilling and mounting on different body caps.  I
> will say that I was
> very pleasantly surprised by the quality of
> workmanship on the Finney
> cap - it's nice and solid, lots of the Nikon body
> caps are kind of cheap
> and flimsy.
> My unhappiness with sharpness may be completely an
> issue with normal
> expected edge blur - but with a 35mm negative,
> you're enlarging that
> blur a lot, even to print a 4x6.  I've been a lot
> happier with the
> results from my Polaroid pinhole.  Enough so that
> I'm thinking about
> measuring the box carefully and building a wood
> version.
> The biggest question I have about using a d100 would
> be the increased
> likelihood of getting dust on the sensor during a
> day of shooting.  With
> lenses, it's a minor annoyance - with a pinhole, it
> could become a lot
> worse.
> ____________________________________________
> Ed Nazarko

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