Any file type that Photoshop will save on a Mac can be opened in Photoshop on a PC. On the Mac Photoshop has a preference to include the appropriate Windows extension automatically. In Windows, even if the file doesn't have the appropriate extension, you can open any valid image file using the Open command and Photoshop will probably recognize it. You may have to change the "files of type" to "All files" for them to show up in the file dialogue box. There may be issues relating to different versions, but the same version number on a Mac is identical to that version on Windows.

Macs can also read and write to Windows formatted storage media.

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 08:16:13 -0500
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Dan Burkholders Book
Reply-To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????

Also Does anyone know how to convert images scanned and/or manipulated in photoshop on a mac, so they can be view and manipulated in photoshop on a pc, does typing "psd" on the end of the file work?

Nick Dvoracek Director of Media Services Voice: 920-424-7363 University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Fax: 920-424-7324

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