here's a copy:

- Gregg

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 01:12 PM, Gordon J. Holtslander wrote:


It looks like the site is down. The is a fabulous collection of albumen
and salted paper information on this site including reilly's book.

I search for albumen at gives manner of links to

but I tried to "ping" and recieved no response. Keep
trying - there is a great deal of wonderful information there.

I've asked someone at to clarify what is going on.


On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, George L Smyth wrote:

--- "Gordon J. Holtslander" <> wrote:
One of the best books on salt printing (and albumen printing) is

The Albumen and Salted Paper Book by James Reilly - its out of print but
is available online as a web page at:

Gordon -

Not "one of" but "the" best book on the subject. <g> I've got a copy, but was suprised to hear that it was online (I wanted to do that long ago, but couldn't get permission). The above link I see as dead. Could you check it and let me
know if the book is indeed online?

Thanks -


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