Chris wrote:

> While waiting for an appointment I pulled out my alt books for a little
> reading. In Christopher James's book page 136 he  says that a range of
> 1.8 is needed for Mike Ware's New Cyanotype formula. He say's "Mike
> advises extending from base+fog (0.2) to a D-maz of 2.0 or more. This is
> achieved by "overdeveloping" the negative to the extent of 70% to 80%".
> Your development time is already beyond 100% but you only have a density
> of 1.36. I would think this would tell me that there is something else
> wrong. Its good to know how they are measuring their density range. I
> didn't know if it was base+fog to D-max or shadow detail to highlight
> detail. Looks like from this book its the former.

Yes, I had never thought of measuring it that way.  I always measure it from
shadow density to highlight density, following Dick Arendtz.

> Now that I know this I wonder if your following zone system measurement
> procedures and only reading shadows with detail and highlights with
> details. If that's the case then you might have perfect negatives
> already since it seems that alternative workers read everything not just
> the details ;-)

In the past my perfect negatives for cyanotype, made with a lens camera, had
a density range of about 1.6.  This was the difference between the
"important" shadow areas and the highlights.  So I have maintained that way
of working. I guess it doesn't matter which way you measure the difference,
as long as you know what works for you and you are consistent.  What works
for me is, a difference of 1.6 between the shadows and the highlights. I
ignore the base+fog measurement.  However it seems that it might be
important to know what it is for different films, as a dense base+fog might
explain why HP5+ for example is hard to get thin enough in the shadows.


> --
> --
> Chris Peregoy | |
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