On a recent flight to Orlando, I made the decision not to bring the photo 
equipment.  This turned out to be a good thing, as my wife and I were subjects 
of a two-hour wait for the security check.  It did pain me not to bring my 
equipment, but it did offer me an opportuinity I did not consider before.  
Pinhole photography is not about specifics or accurate imaging.  If it were so, 
this would be a Leica users list.  I would say most of us could cobble together 
any apparatus which will take a picture in about ten minutes with a box, tape, 
and needle - ala MacGuyver.  For this reason I did not bring my camera with me. 
 The creative process blooms when faced with a problem, and travelling without 
a camera is a problem.  So, I was able to create a pinhole on-site and by using 
cn400 (bought at the local walgreens) bring it to the one hour lab.  Let me 
tell you, x-rays do not affect developed film.  Sure you might lose a few 
images by not knowing the exact settings - but it's pinhole, this is why we do 
what we do - we're unconventional.
I suggest for all of you who are travelling soon to try a new angle with 
pinhole.  Create images with vessels you find once you get there - a discarded 
box, a hotel match-box, a toilet paper tube - anything you can make light tight 
is potentially a camera.  This was a very exciting and invigorating re-exposure 
to the nature and communication of pinhole photography for me.
Take care,

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Yahoo! Shopping - Mother's Day is May 12th!

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