Look up the work of Sally Mann. She makes wonderful large format photos from
glass plates and old lenses. She started with her children as subject matter and
has moved on to spooky landscapes and "Old South" type photos.
Richard Heather

Sarah Heidt wrote:

> Guillermo, my brother and I thank you so much for the helpful advice.
> I will certainly let you know how the camera turns out.
> I quit my academic job 2 years ago to be at home with the girls full time.
> Lately my main subjects for photographs have been my daughters, but that's
> hard to do with a pinhole camera because they absolutely can't sit still.
> (They are four and two).  The other night I tried to do an exposure of my
> older child while she was sleeping.  She stayed in exactly the same position
> for such a long time.  I'm wondering if it will turn out...
> I hate to admit how difficult it is for me to find what I consider to be
> suitable subject-matter for a photograph.  My children are significant to me
> in a way that a tree or a building can never be.  But I love the long
> exposures with the pinhole camera because I feel I am capturing more time.
> I love standing around counting to myself and taking a picture while not
> looking through a viewfinder.  This is a challenge that I am enjoying very
> much, and I appreciate the help.
> Sarah

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