i've built 110 cartridge cameras with kids around 13 yrs... they seemed
to like it, and it's very easy. it avoids using a darkroom, which may or
may not be to your advantage...

there are lots of sites adapting the instructions formerly posted by
kodak. this one is pretty fun:


one last thing about photo-flo/dish soap:

as someone who is not by any means a chemist, i have been interested
lately in the "household chemistry" darkroom. this has led me to
alternatives such as the dish soap for photo-flo, as well as other more
interesting formulae like a coffee developer (there is a vitamin-c
version as well). 

i'd be curious if anyone on the list has experimented with this...  

the motivations to substitute are varied, but mostly NOT economic. some
people do this for environmental reasons, others just to experiment. the
results i've seen (especially from the coffee) are pretty amazing.

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