Hi all,

A lot of great ideas are coming in about pinhole day, and I just wanted to let you know that the WPPD coordinating team is reading them all and enjoying all the input. We are giving each comment and suggestion serious consideration and view an important part of what we do as reflecting the wishes and aspirations of the members of this list.

One thing that will help us keep track of your suggestions and proposals is to also post them in the forum at the pinhole visions web site. I don't intend to discourage any discussion on the list, but for those of you with strong ideas that will help us do as good a job as possible, please also post them in the forum so that we can more easily study them and refer to them over time. The forum address is:


and the place to post suggestions about pinhole day is in the "Pinhole Day Q&A" forum.



At 07:48 PM 1/10/02 -0500, you wrote:
How about using the web like this:

program the website so that a gallery, school, or just anyone could go
online and view the images one at a time on a tv or computer screen, just
like watching a slide show with the projector set on automatic... the user
could select a length of time for viewing each slide and hit the start
button... they could also enter a sequence of specific photographs... the
images can loop so the show can be left on as long as needed
jim k

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