The effect on the negative of the yellow filters - paper negative that is,
not film - (at the moment of taking the picture) in my experience is to
reduce contrast and improve tonal range.  I use filter 0.  I get a good
tonal range, particularly for skies which is one of the things you notice
most because of the strong contrast with land.


on 7/1/02 10:02 pm, Chris at wrote:

> Just developed my first pinhole photographs today.  Built a 5x7 foam core
> camera and used containers in the bathtub to develop.  I have a question on
> multigrade filters:  are the filters used to adjust contrast the set I see
> at B&H that are magenta in color?  They cost $20 for a complete set of 3.5"
> filters.  Can I use them when making positves as well as negatives?  I'm
> using Ilford paper for negatives.  Thanks.
> Chris
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