First, a joyous New Year to everyone!

Here's a question that covers the majority of photographers.
What do you do with those empty 35mm film cannisters?
... besides making pinhole cameras out of them!

Here's what we use them for:
1. recycling
2. count coins before you load them into those roll thingies
3. nails, screws & hardware, especially in the clear ones
4. tape them into six pacs and put fishing lures in them
5. nifty packing peanuts
6. keep your custom paint colors indefinitely (if you're an artist)
7. handy in a sewing kit (to hold all those pins, needles, buttons)
9. kids toys (good for towers & other structures)
10. educational activities (counting, sorting, science fairs, field trip 
collecting, etc)
11. store sharp blades from x-axto and matt cutter 
12. spices and small things for camping
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bill Erickson 
  To: pinhole-discussion@p at ??????? 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 12:34 PM
  Subject: [pinhole-discussion] ice lens

  Oh please, won't someone pursue this,or share what you know. It's not 
pinbhole, but it is directly in the pinhole spirit of play and experiment. 

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