Gregory Parkinson writes:
> How 'bout some more tech talk :)
> How are you making the gravures?

How 'bout we wait until after the reception?

How 'bout you take my workshop next year?  8-)

I'm not sure what you're asking, anyway.  It's one of the standard
variants: full-size positive on lith film, contact printed to potassium
dichromate-sensitized paper-backed gelatin, affixed to a copper plate,
aquatinted with resin, etched in a series of ferric chloride baths,
steel-faced, and then printed onto damp paper using an etching press.

I am trying to document the whole process in text and images for a
website, but it's slow going.  Good news is that I've tracked down two
more of the cornerstone books on the subject and they should be arriving
in the next week.

There are other variants where asphaltum is used in place of resin,
or where a halftone or mezzotint screen is used, but I'm not doing it
that way.


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