Rapid Access Developer will likely give you a high contrast image.  Its
not likely what you want.

You can make these films give a continuous tone by using a very low
contrast developer.  People use highly diluted print developers such as
dektol diluted 1:30.

The contrast is dependent upon the dilution.  The more diluted the lower
the contrast.

A more reliable technique is to use a developer specifically formulated to
develop high contast film to a continuous tone negative.

I have had very good success using a specially formulated low contrast
developer called LC-1

see http://members.aol.com/fotodave/Articles/LC-1.html - though you must
mix this yourself.

The biggest negative I've done so far is 12 by 18 inches.


On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Chuck Flagg wrote:

> I think the AGFA plate fim I aquired & inquired about on list a couple weeks
> ago is similar.  I contacted a graphic artist I know who has used the film
> but they had not relayed info yet.  If I get some I will send it on.
> Chuck Flagg
> "Kodak Rapid Access developer/graphic arts film They didn't tell me what
> brand or type, but said they use 'Rapid Access'developer."
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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