Hi all,

"Des cliques et des claques..."  for French speaking pinholists !

1) For converting a Agfa Clack into a pinhole camera, just have a look at
the following site :

The "loch lomo" page  (it is as a joke) is full of info and plans for doing
easily this conversion !

2) About the Agfa Click, as Mike wrote, it is a plastic camera but it was
not ony sold in France. Actually there has been 2 models of Click : Clicks I
and Clicks II  were built from 1958 until 1970, mainly in Germany.
For some time an Agfa factory located in Strasbourg (France, at the border
with Germany) built some Click I cameras. This "French" production was
motivated by trying to escape the tariff barriers which, at the end of the
50 ies prevented entrance of foreign cameras in France ... The French models
are heavier than the German ones because a small piece of metal had been
added inside just to make them weight a little more : weight was considered
as a sign of "seriousness" by French consumers ! Another difference is the
presence of a small plate "Fabriqué en France" on the Strasbourg models .

Well, all this historical stuff is not so important! Just get a Click or a
Clack,  and turn it into a pleasant pinhole camera and have fun with it...

Hope it helps
Cheers from France


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Vande Bunt" <mike.vandeb...@mixcom.com>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] 120 camera conversion

> Gregory Parkinson wrote:
> > These are fun cameras.  There's also the Agfa Click which
> > I think is the same but 6x6.
> >
> The information that I have seen is that the Click (supposedly
> only sold originally in France) was made of plastic and is of
> about the same quality as the Holga.  The Clack was made
> of metal and was better quality.
> >
> > Prepared for some pretty fuzzy images.  Mine didn't show
> > the center sharpness that my Dianas have.
> >
> My Clack had very good sharpness on the one roll of film
> that I ran through it.  I can't compare it with my Diana since
> the Diana has a faulty shutter...
> Mike Vande Bunt
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