Hi Jim,
I looked at you site a few days ago and thought that the printer was neet.  But
I couldn't figure out how to process the print in broad daylight.  I guess I
should have looked at your other page where you show the forthcoming daylight
processing tank.

Can you provide more details about it.  What size is the tank (is it a paint can
that hold 8x10 paper?).  Have you set a price for it?

Looks cool!  I guess this whole kit could be used for cyanotypes as well.



Kosinski Family wrote:

> Hi folks,
> The details of a simple and inexpensive daylight contact printer for black &
> white papers can now be found on my website on the page named 'Look, No
> Darkroom!' Now you can really make B&W prints without a darkroom. Actually,
> you can teach a whole course this way, with the exception of using an
> enlarger to change the image size. However, that's easy with a scanner and a
> computer these days.
> Enjoy,
> Jim K
> www.paintcancamera.com
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