
The temperature of the develop influences its activity.  The warmer the
developer is the more active it is.  Because of this as the temperature of
the developer increased the recomended development time decreases.

As long as your developer is within a certain range (and you know its
temperatuer) you can develop it for the recommended time.

Kodak has posted the recommended development time for a variety of films
(including tri-x)  and a variety of Kodak developers at this site:


The easiest thing to do is to mix your developer and let it sit for a few
hours (in a closed bottle) until it reaches room temperature.  The ideal
thing would be to get a photo thermometer.  If you don't have one you
could get away with seeing what the ambient temperature in your
"residence" is by looking at the thermometer on your residence's
thermostat - but this assummes all the rooms have the same temperature.

Once you have the temperature match this with the developer you
are using on Kodak's data sheet and you have the recommended development

An alternative to Trix-X is to use a high contrast ortho film -which can
be used with a safe-light and is processed in highly diluted dektol or an
ulta low-contrast developer.  This can be processed much like RC paper -
but gives a negative.

Lots of people use APH ortho film mail ordered from  freestyle


a pack of 25 sheets of 5x7 is only $8.00


On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, R Duarte wrote:

> Also, in my bathroom-darkroom I've only dealt with developing RC paper
> negatives and prints.  I just made a camera that will use 4x5 film backs and
> I'm wondering if I should try using Tri-X film instead of paper.  Am I
> correct that I have to develop the film in complete darkness?  No safelight
> right?  If so, I guess I have to get a better timer and worry more about the
> temperature of the developer - so far the developer temp has been way off
> and i've been leaving paper in the developer until it looks right.  I guess
> that's out with film, huh?
> Thanks for any info,
> Rob
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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