>Sorry, Gordon
>Missed one part of your question. Yes, any block that
>can be intaglio printed can also be relief printed.
>It's simply a matter of where you put the ink. In
>fact, a single etched plate can simltaneously be
>relief and intaglio printed. In relief printing you
>would use hand rollers usually to apply an even layer
>of ink to the raised surfaces of the plate and avoid
>getting ink into the cracks (the etched or otherwise
>lowered portions of the plate). The relief surfaces
>are usually wiped clean in intaglio printing with the
>ink ONLY in the cracks. Intaglio printing requires
>more pressure and usually uses dampened paper to allow
>the paper to go into the cracks and pull out the ink. 

I have a question. If Paper is dampened w/ water, wouldn't that repel oil 
based ink?



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