Below is a reminder of the purpose, rules, and other information regarding this 
discussion list.  I ask everyone to specifically read the PURPOSE OF THE LIST 
and the RULES OF THE LIST.  

This is not the place to vent anger or attack others.  This is the place to 
discuss pinhole photography.  The world is an uneasy place for a lot of people 
right now, so please don't contribute to that uneasiness by trying to turn this 
list into a political soapbox. 



Document dated: August 31, 2001

The purpose of the pinhole discussion mailing list is the discussion of any
and all aspects of pinhole photography. All messages sent to this list
should be related to pinhole photography.

There are no specific rules for participating on this list. But everyone is
reminded that list membership is a privilege, and list members are expected
to treat each other with proper respect. Personal attacks or "flames" will
not be tolerated and can get one banned from the list.

If you encounter any problems of any kind in using the list, please notify
James Kellar at or Gregg Kemp at gregg.kemp@p at ???????.
Please do not send problems you may encounter to the list. The only ones
who can help you solve these problems are James and Gregg.

Messages sent to you via the discussion list are set up to "behave"
differently from messages sent to you by an individual.  When you "reply"
(using your email program's reply feature) to messages you receive from the
list, your reply will automatically be directed back to the mailing list
and NOT to the person who sent the message. The list program creates a
Replyto: discussion-list@p at ??????? line in the mail message header. This
tells your email program to send the message back to the list rather than
the person who originally sent the message.

In order to send a private message back to someone who sent a message
through the list by replying, you must change the To: address from
pinhole-discussion@p at ??????? to the individual's e-mail address.

Note that if someone puts the list in the Cc: field rather than the To:
field, the reply may go to the sender rather than the list.  For this
reason, it is ALWAYS a good idea to check who you are sending an e-mail to
before sending it.

Attachments are files that are attached to an email message. The email
system is designed to send messages using standard ASCII character set.
Attachments are a way of sending a content that uses characters outside of
the ASCII standard.

Attachments are not welcome on this list. They are large. They usually can
only be accessed with a specific program. They can unintentionally carry
viruses.  A significant portion of the list is unable to use attachments.
Please do not send attachments to the list. All email to the list should be
send as plain text. This is the one and only standard used by all computers
and all email programs.

Some email programs by default send email messages as attachments, the MS
Outlook Express and Netscape's Communicator are often set up to send all
email messages as two attachments, one in plain text (ASCII) and one in
'rich' text (html format). If you use these programs please change your
setting so that your messages will be sent as plain text ONLY.

There are always a number of hoaxes traversing the net, where one is urged
to email an urgent warning message concerning some catastrophic new virus,
government policy, etc to everyone you know.... These are almost always
hoaxes. Do not send copies of these to the list, even if you are sure it is


1) go to: http://www.p at ???????/discussion/

2) enter your email to enter your account (this is near the bottom of the

3) on your account page, make any changes and then enter your password to
make the changes effective.

If you do not know your password, follow the first 2 step (above) then on
the account page, click on the button "Email my password to me". And you
will immediately get your password in the mail.


All the messages sent to this list are saved in a web-based archive,
available at:

    http://www.p at ???????/discussion/

Pinhole-Discussion mailing list
Pinhole-Discussion@p at ???????
unsubscribe or change your account at

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