----- Original Message -----
From: "Ricardo Wildberger Lisboa" <wildber...@svn.com.br>

> Can I find that Ilford reciprocity failure table on the web?

If it is Ilford film tables you are looking for, yes you can find them at
If what you are looking for is reciprocity tables for ilford paper, you can
find the table I use in an article I wrote about pinhole exposures:
http://members.home.com/penate/pinhole.html  (link is almost at the end of
the page)

> ? Is there a similar table for T-max 100 ?

That one is at www.kodak.com

> Reciprocity failure is really a problem.

If you are into pinholing, just learn to live with it!  or shoot Ilford
delta 3200 and push it to 25000, it will give you exposures of 1/100th of a
sec under sunny skies with a pinhole camera f/256.....forget about the
electric tape shutter, though!  :-)

> What if I'm working with lith film for half tone development later
> on ? Thank you for any help.

You got me here, my guess is that reciprocity may be close to what for
ilford paper emulsion is, but that is just a guess.


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