Guy wrote: ".  How did you get them light tight?  Did you wrap some
> tape around to seal the light away?  I suppose that you loaded them in a
> light-tight bag.  How many would you carry around with you on a typical
> day?"

Yup. I loaded them in a changing bag. I wrapped black electrical tape around
them. I taped the film inside with skinny Gaffer's tape. At first I was
using Gaffer's tape to seal the outside of the containers. That got
expensive. I've found electrical tape on sale ... three rolls for a buck. I
made over one hundred Pintoids. I knew that if I had to re-load to make a
shot, I probably wouldn't do it. I'm lazy. I probably used about thirty-some
per day, on an average day. The rear main seal on my Jeep's engine blew out
during the trip. So I had to stop every 45 miles or so to add another quart
of oil ... I photographed what was there (at each stop), photogenic or not.
Until Bismarck, where I dealt with the problem. Bismarck is actually a
really cool town! I never would have stopped there, if I hadn't been in need
of the services of Corwinn some-body-or-other's Jeep dealership. The
Missouri River runs through Bismarck. Still gotta print those shots.
The Pintoid page mentions the next trip, which is to the Alamo. The trip was
planned before these latest events involving terrorism in our country.
Still, I think now that I'll go. Guy, thank-you for your interest.-MM

Marcy Merrill

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