Hey Gregg,
Looks like you also added a "Participants" page for the Gallery to replace the
"Search" function.  Nice work!  It makes it easy to go through the list and get 
quick overview by name or by country.

Gregg Kemp wrote:

> Hi all,
> I made some changes to the pinholeday.org web site today that affects the
> way individual photos are linked to.  If anyone has links on their web
> pages to their own or anyone else's photos, the old ones will not work in a
> day or so.
> Each photo how has its own page with the naming convention of
> "photo_#.html".  So, for example if a photo has the old number of 190, the
> new page is "photo_190.html".  Also, the directory name has changed from
> "exhibition" to "2001".  So, an example of a complete address for a photo is:
>         http://www.pinholeday.org/2001/photo_190.html
> To browse the exhibit, just go to the web site home page and select
> "Gallery" as before.  Sorry for the hassle...
> Gregg
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