----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill & Sue" <bilk...@netzero.net>

> Sorry about sending an attachment to the list. I won't do it again. I
> uploaded the file to the picture gallery as someone suggested. Here is the
> link.  images_2001/bilk_shutter.jpg
> I don't have access to a place on the web to store pictures. If you have
> suggestions I'm listening. Thanks again to everyone who replied. Hope you
> can see the pic now.

A picture is worth a thousand words and that one at
http://www.p at ???????/discussion/upload/images_2001/bilk_shutter.jpg tells
very clearly how you made your shutter.  Many thanks for posting it.

As for places to set up your FREE web site: http://www.tripod.lycos.com/
http://www.freeservers.com/  http://home.netscape.com/websites/?cp=svcmwp
to name a few, and if you just want storage space try this one

Hope it helps.


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