This is an exhibit of a really fine set of lith processed pinhole images by our own Guy Glorieux. I invite everyone to check it out!

from the Pinhole Diary...

Guy Glorieux, "fragments... dreams..."
[2001-09-01] An exhibit of new pinhole photographs by Guy Glorieux opened today in the Pinhole Visions Main Gallery. Guy resides in Montreal, Canada and concentrates his energies full-time as a fine art photographer. His photographs are widely exhibited in Canada and in the United States, including at the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY, The Contemporary Museum in Baltimore, Maryland, and the Viewpoint Gallery in Sacramento, California. There are seventeen images in the "fragments... dreams..." exhibit.

"These captured moments are non-linear -- a gazing of the mind, a stream of memories and juxtapositions. These are moments everyone experiences. They remain just under the surface, ready to emerge unexpectedly or through thoughts associations. They interact with one another in the same way as the unconstrained mind creates streams of images in the quiet of the night, just before the onset of sleep." - Guy Glorieux

   View this exhibit at:


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Your pin pal,
Gregg Kemp

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