At 09:38 AM 7/14/01 +0100, you wrote:
I have a friend who has been experimenting using 126 cartridges.  They are
about to go out of production.  He has tried an ordinary 35mm SLR with a
body cap but the focal length of around 45mm is too long.  Can anyone
recommend an inexpensive 35mm camera that can be converted into a pinhole
camera with a focal length less than 30mm ?

You may want to tell your friend to stock up if he has a source for the 126 cartridges - Kodak stopped making this at the end of 1999. (http://www.p at ???????/diary/1999/1999_July.php)

The 126 cartridge fits perfectly onto a toilet paper tube, and also some paper towel tubes. There is a ridge around the film opening that is the same size as the tube. You only have to bend the tube into a square shape to get it around the opening. I put a pinhole on the end of the tube and had a nice "telephoto" 126 camera. You can also cut down the tubes to different focal lengths. I just added a photo (126bodies.jpg) of my collection of 126 "bodies" to the upload gallery:


I never got a decent image with the paper towel tube, but the toilet paper tube did fine.

Pinhole Visions at http://www.???????
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at

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