I urge you to try using printing paper and a box at some time.
Processing is relatively simple.  Processing your own stuff gives you so
much flexibility.

One doesn't need a proper darkroom for doing this.  Just a room that can
be made dark with water nearby.  3 trays - a piece of glass, a bit larger
than your "negatives", a safelight (a small lamp with a safelight bulb)
and a small desklamp (for making positives by contact printing).  The only
one of these that _has_ to be bought from a photo store is the safelight.
The rest can be got from a hardware store.

Printing paper and chemistry can be bought cheaply from a photo shop, or
even second hand.  I've had lots of stuff given to me, and bought things
second hand.  Pinhole with printing paper can be done very cheaply and

If you want to try this I (and likely others) would be glad
to offer valuable free advice :)


On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Johanna Zamora wrote:
<- snip ->
> Since I know nothing about developing my own film, I
> am not sure how to approach the box-with-paper method.
> Maybe after Portland.
> Thanks again.
> Johanna
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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