
I've finally fine tuned my use of CGP ortho film and LC-1 developer to get
negs to make good cyanotype prints.

I'm using CGP for large negatives.  I use Dave Soemarko's LC-1 developer
diluted 2.5 A :  3B : 5 water makes good negatives for my cyanotypes.

I've been trying out different papers available here.  These were printed
on Stonehenge (sp?) using a classic cyanotype recipie.

I also finished off a 6 hole circular panormic camera.   It makes
interesting and perhaps somewhat confusing 360 degree images

See my web page http://cyano.usask.ca/pinhole/  There is a panoramic and
regular cyanotype images.


Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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