
What got me thinking this way was how the landscape was so big and
appeared to be filled with nothing but open space.

I was trying to think of a way of making a print where much of it was
nothing but blank paper.  I wanted a stripe of something at the top and
bottom and a few things in the middle and nothing else, but blank paper.

I would skip the "first step" so that I would only print selected parts of
the image.

When I began thinking about using the computer to select parts of the
image to print, I realized it would be possible to print these selected
parts in different colors. (Looooong trip plenty of time to think :) )

I would end up with a print that looked a little bit like the landscape my
kids used to draw;  a stripe of blue across the top for the sky a stripe
across the bottom for the ground and the subject stuck in-between.

Of course I see this getting complicated - Want to do it with a wide
aspect - the 6x18 camera we're planning on building.  Images made with
such a camera won't fit in a regular scanner.   Would have to take it to a
service bureau and use a drum scanner, or make a contact print cut it into
pieces to fit in the scanner and stitch it back together on the computer.
Might be easier to try and do it all in the darkroom.

Guess I should try it on small pictures first.

Anyone had success using pictorio's ohp transparency film with inkjet
printers? http://www.pictorico.com/lproduct.asp?id=4


On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Katharine Thayer wrote:

> I left out the first step, where you lay down the image with a first
> exposure in monochrome, black or brown or whatever would harmonize with
> your colors, and then for the second exposure you put the different
> colors on where you want them.
> kt
> Katharine Thayer wrote:
> >
> > Now you're TALKIN', Gordon. Another possible way to do the same thing
> > might be to selectively coat different-colored emulsions on different
> > areas of the paper, and print in one exposure. Would require only one
> > negative.
> >
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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