
> I have just completed the first roll from the modified PTG 4x5...... the
> camera is the same as before except that it now has a much wider opening
> back, thus allowing the use of the Calumet roll film backs..... I have a
> 6x7..... a 6x9 or 6x12 would be even better, but any will do.... the filter
> slot is perfect, but the most helpful mod is the long arm on the
> "open/close" knob.... no more pictures of my thumb!
> All in all this is a perfect camera now.... does 4x5 and uses the roll film
> backs....

I'm glad you are working on this--would you maybe post a couple of pic's of
the modifications? I'd like to see them. I'm looking to add a 4x5 camera and
would like to have one that takes regular/Polaroid/roll film backs.

> The results can be see on:
> <>
> Go to "Special Projects" the "pinhole"....
of course you are encouraged to
> check out the whole web site....

Very nice additions. Already checked the rest of your shots out before... I
really like your use of the paper negs. And I won't ever get tired of
looking at "Jump Off Rock, Laurel Park, NC." What a great shot!


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