Renner's Pinhole Photography book talks about using Cibachrome /
Ilfochrome (color reversal paper).  There is also some mention of
using filtration to correct for color shift due to reciprocity failure.
I think that the first edition of the book may have had more info on
this than the second edition.

Mike Vande Bunt wrote:

> I have fallen in love with color pinhole/zone and I have been using 120 color
> film in the Zero 2000. I was wondering if one could use color paper in a
> "oatmeal" box camera as one uses black and white paper. If so, does anyone
> have recommendations for kind of papers, a base line exposure guide ( bright
> sun etc), developing recommendations and whatever. Also there are so many
> color films out there I was curious as to what any other color pinhole/zone
> folks might have found useful/interesting and/or difficult.
> Thanks
> Donna

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