Hi Wayne,

Welcome to lensless photography!  It is several universes in size and
scope, plenty of stuff to explore and discover.

My preference is large-format photography for lensless work, with
medium format a good second choice.  The main reason is much the same
as with lens photography: the image can be enlarged much more without
degrading it or having it become too grainy.  This is a personal
preference, not a hard and fast rule.  A good point of the Graphlex is
that you can vary the focal length using the extending bellows.
Pinholes or zone plates of various sizes can be mounted on lens boards
and changed as needed.  The down sides of large format are, of course,
cost and less of convience (bigger stuff to lug around).  If price is
no object, Calumet sells the Finney pinhole turret with 3 zone plates
and 4 pinholes for various focal lengths.  The turret in on a 4-inch
lensboard, which I think fits a Graphlex.

Have fun exploring!


----- Original Message -----
From: <waynerol...@aol.com>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Small, Medium or Large?

> Hello:
> I have been looking at pinhole pictures for the past two weeks and
have been
> reading Eric Renner's outstanding book, Pinhole Photography, and as
a result
> have resolved to explore pinhole and zone plate photography myself.
I have
> so many questions, but today I have been thinking about what format
to focus
> on.  I have Crown Graphic 4x5, Mamiya Press 2x3 and Nikon 35mm
cameras that
> are
> available for adaptation for zone plate and pinhole photography.
> 1) Aside the aesthetic attractiveness of creating pictures that are
> investigation and part meditation, etc., what are the practical
benefits of
> making zone plate and pinhole photographs with the medium and large
> cameras listed above over the 35mm?
> 2) What are the pitfalls in using zone plate bodycap and pinhole
> apertures in small format cameras?  And what are the workarounds and
> methods for small format zone plate/pinhole photography?
> Thanks,
> Wayne
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