Hello All!

I could use some help here.  We just got a wonderful spring time
snowfall yesterday (10") and it got me out and about with my 8x10
pinhole camera (due to the extra light reflection of the snow).  I tried
using Polaroid type 804 ASA 100 (first time using this film) and I can't
seem to get the exposures correct.  The prints keep coming out real
light.  Now, I could keep adjusting the time exposures but it is
expensive film and I really don't want to use the whole box of film as
testing material (that is, if I can help it).
The camera is a normal focal length (13 inches) Leonardo 8x10 and the
pinhole is F 500.  Anyone out there do 8x10 pinhole Polaroids?  For some
reason the time charts I use for Ilford HP5 aren't working.  And yes, I
calculate for the difference in the film speeds.  Any help would be
Oh, by the way, I let the Polaroid film warm up before processing it,
and it is fresh film.
Thank you in advance!


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