Very nice, I really like the print.  Could you tell us about
the camera and film used (I am guessing there were 2
pinholes...)?  Also, would it be possible to see an example
of a negative printed on both "regular" paper and lith paper
so that we can see what the contribution of the lith paper
is?  (It is hard to tell if contrast / tonality is due to it being
pinhole, or to the lith printmaking process.)

Mike Vande Bunt

Guy Glorieux wrote:

> Hi everybody!
> Really this has been busy times for me lately.  But, it seems I just
> can't stop...  I received last week my first Lith Printing kit and I
> just had to try it on some of my favorite negatives.  What a discovery!
> To me Lith Printing is a natural complement to pinhole.
> I've loaded a picture at
> http://www.p at ???????/discussion/upload/images/accalmie1lr.jpg
> Comments welcome!
> Anybody else does lith printing on this list?  I'd be happy to hear and
> share experiences.
> Cheers,
> Guy
> P.S.  Lith Printing is a special B&W printing process using specific
> types of paper and a specific type of paper developer.  The paper is
> massively overexposed under the enlarger and processed in highly diluted
> developer for very a long period of times (from 8 to 30 minutes, with
> constant agitation...).  The print turns in shades of colors and yields
> very different contrasts ranges in the highlights and the shadows.
> Something like split toning, but different, all taking place at the
> developer stage.
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