Hi John

I have done quite a bit of nude work both with pinhole
cameras and ordinary cameras. I have had success with
the pinhole cameras lighting the model with two pretty
standard studio bulbs, one 300W and another 500W I
cover them with a sheet of paper as a diffuser (be
sure to use the proper holders for this. the bulbs get
very hot and will burn paper if not kept about 8
inches away from the bulb. I have used ASA 100 and ASA
400 T-Max and even hand-held with ASA 1600 Fuji films.
I found it quite practical. You do need a patient
model, however. I was using exposures of about 3
minutes to 15 minutes. An experienced model can do 15
minutes without much discomfort and the slight
movement that is inevitable is interesting. All in
all, with good lighting, it is not as difficult as it
might seem. You do need to get the camera very close
to the model. That can feel invasive, so I'd also be
sure your model understands how pinhole cameras work
and my you're getting so close. Also, I found that I
could take a pinhole picture with one camera and
continue to sheet with a conventional camera, which is
more efficient than just using the pinhole (and
cheaper, as models usually are expensive).

There are are at least three nude pinhole photos on my
pinhole site, if you care to have a look.


Good luck,


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