Well,you know, a lot of people hide behind the equipment question and think that if only they had the "right" or a "really good" camera they could be great photographers. What is really missing is the confidence in themselves and their own vision.
*Very true, it is creative vision, or a "good eye", that makes a wonderful photo. (or painting, or whatever) I once worked in a photo store & had a woman come in, steam coming out of her ears and demand to know "why the Nikon she bought from us made crappy photos!!" she said "it's an expensive camera, I paid plenty, and I want to know why it doesn't take good pictures!!"
Oh boy!!
The camera won't do it for you, you have to.
Nothing will compare to a well conceived and well executed idea.

They don't really believe it's the person that clicks the shutter (removes the lenscap?)that creates the magic. Too bad they are afraid to screw up, to allow that old serendipidy to happen.
Yeah, they probably are.
I think that the flip side of this coin, is that I do believe that a certain amount of gear IS helpful, and can improve on what you are capable of doing. (differing focal length pinholes, a zone plate or rangefinder for proper framing, different focal-length lenses for lens photo)
Beyond that  line though,  lies the title "gearhead"

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