I thought people might be interested in knowing that Calumet
<URL:http://www.calumetphoto.com/> now carries the Zero Image Zero2000
6x6 pinhole camera.  I walked in earlier to buy some film and there
was one sitting out on the counter on top of a couple of others in
boxes with a sign announcing them and the instruction sheet.

This was the first time I've seen the camera in person.  I took it
apart and played with it.  As others have mentioned it's very nicely
built and a very clever design.  Now I'm really going to have to start
saving my pennies for the Deluxe Multi-Format camera (which the
Calumet salesperson didn't know anything about).

Brian Reynolds                  | "Dee Dee!  Don't touch that button!"
reyno...@panix.com              | "Oooh!"
http://www.panix.com/~reynolds  |    -- Dexter and Dee Dee
NAR# 54438                      |       "Dexter's Laboratory"

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