Hi all,

I wanted to update everyone on where things are regarding the 1st worldewide 
pinhole photography day (WPPD).  

1) The official press release has been finalized.  A lot of work has gone into 
crafting this statement.  It was drafted by several people on the organizing 
team working together, incorporating input from several people on the 
discussion list.  Thanks to everyone who gave their time and thought in putting 
this together.  We feel that we've come up with a excellent statement for this 
year's event.  

2) We are working hard to translate the press release into several languages, 
and then begin distributing it around the world.  Jean Daubas is coordinating 
the translation efforts.  

3) We are working out the details of a plan for distributing the press release, 
and any other supporting documents that may be used.  Part of that plan's 
success will depend on the help of list members.  There will be more posted 
about that soon.

4) We are also working hard to put enough information on the pinhole day web 
site to support the press release.  We believe it is important that we NOT 
advertise the URL of the web site until there is adequate information to 
explain how pinhole day will function and some support for helping first time 
(or experienced) pinholers participate in the day and the site exhibit.

Many of us on the organizing team are putting in heavy hours in an effort to do 
this right and do it well.  I think are making great progress.  We appreciate 
everyone's patience, support, input, and cooperation in this "pinhole list" 
project and event.  We hope to have the solid beginning of a web site ready by 
this weekend.  At that time we also hope to be ready to begin distribution of 
the press release in several languages, and in several formats.

Thanks everyone - this is going to happen!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guy Glorieux [mailto:guy.glori...@sympatico.ca]
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:46 AM
> To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
> Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] WWPPD Press Release - Last call for
> comments!
> Simon Cygielski wrote:
> > This may be too late, as I didn't have a chance to read my 
> mail since
> > Thursday, but I think that Colin's edit of the press release reads
> > better than the one posted on pinholeday.org.
> >
> > Simon
> Hi Simon!
> Thanks for your comment.
> The Press Release, like any other document intending to convey a
> particular message from a group of people, was developed through the
> efforts and input of several members of the Coordinating Team.  The
> wording and paragraph structure were chosen following a lot of group
> discussion and successive iterations on what we believed was 
> the best way
> of transmitting the message to the media that a group of pinhole
> photographers were launching a worldwide pinhole photography day.
> Colin did a splendid job at providing a fresh perspective on 
> what we had
> put together from my initial draft press release some three 
> weeks ago and
> we retained many of the improvements he generously offered.  
> At the same
> time, there were also many times where the specific wording 
> we had chosen
> was based on a thorough discussion of what we really intended 
> to say and
> we decided to retain that particular wording or structure.  
> This was not
> intended to minimize Colin's efforts, but rather to add one additional
> level of contribution to a collective effort.
> If you ever get involved in a similar process or if you get 
> to read a lot
> of similar documents, you come to will realize that 
> ultimately the final
> document constitutes the "common ground" between many different
> perspectives on each of the points being addressed, one of 
> them being the
> requirement that it should read in the best possible 
> language...   -:))
> Hope this helps!  And, Colin, just a word to say that your input was
> tremendously appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Guy
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