At 07:59 PM 3/1/01 -0600, you wrote:
Whatever month is voted in, stating the date as the Last Sunday of
________ would allow it to apply to future years. If more time is
needed, maybe the Last Sunday in May would be best. The summer months
and vacations may make it difficult for some to process any pinhole
photos they may take.

Good points, Terri. Probably another good reason to do it before summer, or wait until fall.

Another thought - What time period will be set for the photos to be
posted to the web. Some persons may not be able to process right away.

Another good point - we have touched on this issue also, but have been focused primarily on getting the promotional material and process in place that we haven't really gotten into serious discussion of this yet.

There will be more announcements coming in time for help in various activities, similar to Pam Niedermayer's request for volunteers for promoting the event. Your ideas are exactly the kind of thing that we'll need to discuss and decide on. We're currently working out a mechanism for pinhole day group discussions that won't bog down this discussion list.

Also, give thought to the possibility of Pinhole Week rather than
Pinhole Day. This would allow for any location to make plans that would
best suit their particular time schedules. If a group in one location
decides it would be nice to gather together for this special event, they
would have more leeway in their planning.

I agree that we will certainly learn from this First Event, and can then
use this knowledge for the extra special "2nd Pinhole Event" so it will
at least have double or triple the participation as our 1st Pinhole


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