Hi all,

As usual we have lots of issues here everyone has there own opinions about
each issue. I have talked to Gregg Kemp and he has agreed to put up a web
page where every one can vote on each of the issues. I believe that this is
the only way that we will get any thing done. So here is what I would like
to do.

1. Send me a list of any issues you would like to see voted on, and then a
list of possible answers to the issues.


NAME OF THE DAY: 1. World Pinhole Day, 2. World Pinhole Photography Day, 3.
World Wide Pinhole.

DATE OF PINHOLE DAY: 1. April 29th 2. April 15th. 3. December 25th.

NAME OF THE WEB PAGE: 1. worldwidepinholephotographyday.com 2.
pinholeday.com 3. 

Any other issues that you would like to see brought up that deals with a day
to promote pinhole photography.

2. If you have come up with a logo e-mail me the logo. Make sure that each
logo is either a jpg, or a gif, try to make the logo under 80k, and name the
logo the following, "pinholelogoyourname1.jpg".


pinholelogojohndoe1.jpg or pinholelogojanesmith2.gif

When you send your list of issues please use the subject header "WPPD ISSUE
VOTE". If you are e-mailing me a logo use the subject header "WPPD LOGO
VOTE".If you are going to send me both, then please send me 2 e-mails with
right subject header. If you do not use the right subject header I can not
promis that your issues and or logos, will be included in the vote. Do this
even if you have all ready sent in any suggestions.

I would like to get this to Gregg by Saturday, Febuary 24, 2001  so get your
submissions in by this coming Wednesday, Febuary 21.

I know this is kinda of a pain, but it is the only way that I believe is
fair and that we can do this in a timely manor.

Thanks for your help.


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