In a message dated 12/31/00 12:52:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Harry,
>  Tell us some of the details about your camera
> Larry

Ok Larry,i will try  :)
I made the carrier with 2 pieces of masonite,and i used some cardboard from a 
ilford box.i cut the top piece of masonite out on my scroll saw,a little 
smaller than the width of the film.I wanted the length to be real long ,so i 
made it 5 1/2 inches long.I then put some spacers in for the film(120) edges 
to ride on.glued the sections together,so that it is easy to load in the 
dark.all you do is insert the 120 film into one end of the thing (paper and 
all)you cut it off so that a little hangs out on both ends.then you load it 
into the camera which is made from wood(i used 1/2" oak).I made it so the 
back door is hinged,just for my convenience.
The pinhole is .018",the focal length is 3 1/2 inches,F 185(or as close as i 
figured :)
I added a 1/4 -20 tripod socket,and a little rotating shutter gizmo,and badda 
bing...a camera was born :)
I usually dont tell all of this stuff,because i cant type,and i couldnt form 
a proper sentence if my life was at stake (we wont even discuss my
Anyways,if you want any other info i will share,really..i will put  a photo 
up soon as i get one ready.
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