hi all

I joined this list last weekend and been lurking a week, so it's time
to introduce myself.

I've a computer engineer by profession and been photographing since
mid-seventies. Last winter I got interested in pinhole-photography.
Original reason was that I read Ansel Adams' The Camera and made after
that a short search in the Internet about pinhole cameras and found a
lot of ideas and pictures etc. After that I've built several cameras
from tea boxes, cookie tins and 35 mm film cans. I've been using Kodak
Polymax RC II, but it's been snowless winter here in Finland, so cookie
tin cam needs several hours to expose a paper negative, so I mounted a
used disposable camera in one of them and loaded it with APX 400. But
the results are horrible: using an electric tape as shutter is not a
good solution, the cookie tin vibrates too much and the focal length is
too long also. Using just a pinhole in a 35mm SLR body cap works much
much better. Now I've planning to build a 120 film pinhole camera, but
let's see what thats going to be. (and when :-)

Happy holidays to all and excuse some newbie questions:

I have no idea what zone plate means and also how print swap is
organized. I'd be very happy if someone could give me some light
(e.g from a pinhole :-)



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