Since I've enjoyed seeing other people's work, I thought it only fair to
show some of mine in turn. Here are four of the 8 pinhole images I'm
showing along with 15 lens photographs in my current one-woman show
titled "Catching Time: New Photographs in Gum Bichromate by Katharine
Thayer" at RiverSea Gallery, Astoria, Oregon, October 28-November 29,

Note: Looking at the images on the site, they all seem a bit washed out
(light) compared to the originals. 

1. This is the image that was on the announcement postcard for the show.
It was made with a 35mm camera body, the one with the malfunctioning
shutter. I later replaced this particular pinhole with a smaller one,
although most people like the images made with the bigger hole better. 

http://www.p at ???????/discussion/upload/images/kt17thstpier.jpg

2. This is made with a cardboard box, of fishing boats in the local
mooring basin. The box I used was longer than normal length.

http://www.p at ???????/discussion/upload/images/ktfishboats2.jpg

3. This is the same view as 2 but on a windy day with the boats rocking
back and forth, taken with a shorter box. This is my favorite picture in
the show but I am aware that this much ambiguity and imprecision isn't
to everyone's taste in photographs.

http://www.p at ???????/discussion/upload/images/ktfishingboats.jpg

4. Abandoned train station. Made with a briefcase-sized cardboard box,
very wide-angle. 

http://www.p at ???????/discussion/upload/images/kttrainstation.jpg

Katharine Thayer

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