From: Ben Avison <>

Benchmark results, "before" is the patch
* upstream/master 4b76bbfda670f9ede67d0449f3640605e1fc4df0
+ ARMv6: Support for very variable-hungry composite operations
+ ARMv6: Add fast path for over_n_8888_8888_ca
and "after" contains the additional patches on top:
+ ARMv6: Add fast path flag to force no preload of destination buffer
+ ARMv6: Add fast path for in_reverse_8888_8888 (this patch)

lowlevel-blt-bench, in_reverse_8888_8888, 100 iterations:

       Before          After
      Mean StdDev     Mean StdDev   Confidence   Change
L1    21.1   0.07     32.3   0.08    100.00%     +52.9%
L2    11.6   0.29     18.0   0.52    100.00%     +54.4%
M     10.5   0.01     16.1   0.03    100.00%     +54.1%
HT     8.2   0.02     12.0   0.04    100.00%     +45.9%
VT     8.1   0.02     11.7   0.04    100.00%     +44.5%
R      8.1   0.02     11.3   0.04    100.00%     +39.7%
RT     4.8   0.04      6.1   0.09    100.00%     +27.3%

At most 12 outliers rejected per test per set.

cairo-perf-trace with trimmed traces, 30 iterations:

                                    Before          After
                                   Mean StdDev     Mean StdDev   Confidence   
t-firefox-paintball.trace          18.0   0.01     14.1   0.01    100.00%     
t-firefox-chalkboard.trace         36.7   0.03     36.0   0.02    100.00%      
t-firefox-canvas-alpha.trace       20.7   0.22     20.3   0.22    100.00%      
t-swfdec-youtube.trace              7.8   0.03      7.8   0.03    100.00%      
t-firefox-talos-gfx.trace          25.8   0.44     25.6   0.29     93.87%      
+0.7%  (insignificant)
t-firefox-talos-svg.trace          20.6   0.04     20.6   0.03    100.00%      
t-firefox-fishbowl.trace           21.2   0.04     21.1   0.02    100.00%      
t-xfce4-terminal-a1.trace           4.8   0.01      4.8   0.01     98.85%      
+0.2%  (insignificant)
t-swfdec-giant-steps.trace         14.9   0.03     14.9   0.02     99.99%      
t-poppler-reseau.trace             22.4   0.11     22.4   0.08     86.52%      
+0.2%  (insignificant)
t-gnome-system-monitor.trace       17.3   0.03     17.2   0.03     99.74%      
t-firefox-scrolling.trace          24.8   0.12     24.8   0.11     70.15%      
+0.1%  (insignificant)
t-firefox-particles.trace          27.5   0.18     27.5   0.21     48.33%      
+0.1%  (insignificant)
t-grads-heat-map.trace              4.4   0.04      4.4   0.04     16.61%      
+0.0%  (insignificant)
t-firefox-fishtank.trace           13.2   0.01     13.2   0.01      7.64%      
+0.0%  (insignificant)
t-firefox-canvas.trace             18.0   0.05     18.0   0.05      1.31%      
-0.0%  (insignificant)
t-midori-zoomed.trace               8.0   0.01      8.0   0.01     78.22%      
-0.0%  (insignificant)
t-firefox-planet-gnome.trace       10.9   0.02     10.9   0.02     64.81%      
-0.0%  (insignificant)
t-gvim.trace                       33.2   0.21     33.2   0.18     38.61%      
-0.1%  (insignificant)
t-firefox-canvas-swscroll.trace    32.2   0.09     32.2   0.11     73.17%      
-0.1%  (insignificant)
t-firefox-asteroids.trace          11.1   0.01     11.1   0.01    100.00%      
t-evolution.trace                  13.0   0.05     13.0   0.05     91.99%      
-0.2%  (insignificant)
t-gnome-terminal-vim.trace         19.9   0.14     20.0   0.14     97.38%      
-0.4%  (insignificant)
t-poppler.trace                     9.8   0.06      9.8   0.04     99.91%      
t-chromium-tabs.trace               4.9   0.02      4.9   0.02    100.00%      

At most 6 outliers rejected per test per set.

Cairo perf reports the running time, but the change is computed for
operations per second instead (inverse of running time).

Confidence is based on Welch's t-test. Absolute changes less than 1%
can be accounted as measurement errors, even if statistically

There was a question of why FLAG_NO_PRELOAD_DST is used. It makes
lowlevel-blt-bench results worse except for L1, but improves some
Cairo trace benchmarks.

"Ben Avison" <> wrote:

> The thing with the lowlevel-blt-bench benchmarks for the more
> sophisticated composite types (as a general rule, anything that involves
> branches at the per-pixel level) is that they are only profiling the case
> where you have mid-level alpha values in the source/mask/destination.
> Real-world images typically have a disproportionate number of fully
> opaque and fully transparent pixels, which is why when there's a
> discrepancy between which implementation performs best with cairo-perf
> trace versus lowlevel-blt-bench, I usually favour the Cairo winner.
> The results of removing FLAG_NO_PRELOAD_DST (in other words, adding
> preload of the destination buffer) are easy to explain in the
> lowlevel-blt-bench results. In the L1 case, the destination buffer is
> already in the L1 cache, so adding the preloads is simply adding extra
> instruction cycles that have no effect on memory operations. The "in"
> compositing operator depends upon the alpha of both source and
> destination, so if you use uniform mid-alpha, then you actually do need
> to read your destination pixels, so you benefit from preloading them. But
> for fully opaque or fully transparent source pixels, you don't need to
> read the corresponding destination pixel - it'll either be left alone or
> overwritten. Since the ARM11 doesn't use write-allocate cacheing, both of
> these cases avoid both the time taken to load the extra cachelines, as
> well as increasing the efficiency of the cache for other data. If you
> examine the source images being used by the Cairo test, you'll probably
> find they mostly use transparent or opaque pixels.

v4, Pekka Paalanen <> :
        Rebased, re-benchmarked on Raspberry Pi, commit message.

v5, Pekka Paalanen <> :
        Rebased, re-benchmarked on Raspberry Pi due to a fix to
        "ARMv6: Add fast path for over_n_8888_8888_ca" patch.
 pixman/pixman-arm-simd-asm.S | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pixman/pixman-arm-simd.c     |   7 +++
 2 files changed, 110 insertions(+)

diff --git a/pixman/pixman-arm-simd-asm.S b/pixman/pixman-arm-simd-asm.S
index b6f9a39..bc02ebb 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman-arm-simd-asm.S
+++ b/pixman/pixman-arm-simd-asm.S
@@ -956,3 +956,106 @@ generate_composite_function \
+.macro in_reverse_8888_8888_init
+        /* Hold loop invariant in MASK */
+        ldr     MASK, =0x00800080
+        /* Set GE[3:0] to 0101 so SEL instructions do what we want */
+        uadd8   SCRATCH, MASK, MASK
+        /* Offset the source pointer: we only need the alpha bytes */
+        add     SRC, SRC, #3
+        line_saved_regs  ORIG_W
+.macro in_reverse_8888_8888_head  numbytes, reg1, reg2, reg3
+        ldrb    ORIG_W, [SRC], #4
+ .if numbytes >= 8
+        ldrb    WK&reg1, [SRC], #4
+  .if numbytes == 16
+        ldrb    WK&reg2, [SRC], #4
+        ldrb    WK&reg3, [SRC], #4
+  .endif
+ .endif
+        add     DST, DST, #numbytes
+.macro in_reverse_8888_8888_process_head  cond, numbytes, firstreg, 
unaligned_src, unaligned_mask, preload
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_head  numbytes, firstreg, %(firstreg+1), 
+.macro in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  s, d, offset, is_only
+ .if is_only != 1
+        movs    s, ORIG_W
+  .if offset != 0
+        ldrb    ORIG_W, [SRC, #offset]
+  .endif
+        beq     01f
+        teq     STRIDE_M, #0xFF
+        beq     02f
+ .endif
+        uxtb16  SCRATCH, d                 /* rb_dest */
+        uxtb16  d, d, ror #8               /* ag_dest */
+        mla     SCRATCH, SCRATCH, s, MASK
+        mla     d, d, s, MASK
+        uxtab16 SCRATCH, SCRATCH, SCRATCH, ror #8
+        uxtab16 d, d, d, ror #8
+        mov     SCRATCH, SCRATCH, ror #8
+        sel     d, SCRATCH, d
+        b       02f
+ .if offset == 0
+48:     /* Last mov d,#0 of the set - used as part of shortcut for
+         * source values all 0 */
+ .endif
+01:     mov     d, #0
+.macro in_reverse_8888_8888_tail  numbytes, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4
+ .if numbytes == 4
+        teq     ORIG_W, ORIG_W, asr #32
+        ldrne   WK&reg1, [DST, #-4]
+ .elseif numbytes == 8
+        teq     ORIG_W, WK&reg1
+        teqeq   ORIG_W, ORIG_W, asr #32  /* all 0 or all -1? */
+        ldmnedb DST, {WK&reg1-WK&reg2}
+ .else
+        teq     ORIG_W, WK&reg1
+        teqeq   ORIG_W, WK&reg2
+        teqeq   ORIG_W, WK&reg3
+        teqeq   ORIG_W, ORIG_W, asr #32  /* all 0 or all -1? */
+        ldmnedb DST, {WK&reg1-WK&reg4}
+ .endif
+        cmnne   DST, #0   /* clear C if NE */
+        bcs     49f       /* no writes to dest if source all -1 */
+        beq     48f       /* set dest to all 0 if source all 0 */
+ .if numbytes == 4
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  ORIG_W, WK&reg1, 0, 1
+        str     WK&reg1, [DST, #-4]
+ .elseif numbytes == 8
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  STRIDE_M, WK&reg1, -4, 0
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  STRIDE_M, WK&reg2, 0, 0
+        stmdb   DST, {WK&reg1-WK&reg2}
+ .else
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  STRIDE_M, WK&reg1, -12, 0
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  STRIDE_M, WK&reg2, -8, 0
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  STRIDE_M, WK&reg3, -4, 0
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_1pixel  STRIDE_M, WK&reg4, 0, 0
+        stmdb   DST, {WK&reg1-WK&reg4}
+ .endif
+.macro in_reverse_8888_8888_process_tail  cond, numbytes, firstreg
+        in_reverse_8888_8888_tail  numbytes, firstreg, %(firstreg+1), 
%(firstreg+2), %(firstreg+3)
+generate_composite_function \
+    pixman_composite_in_reverse_8888_8888_asm_armv6, 32, 0, 32 \
+    2, /* prefetch distance */ \
+    in_reverse_8888_8888_init, \
+    nop_macro, /* newline */ \
+    nop_macro, /* cleanup */ \
+    in_reverse_8888_8888_process_head, \
+    in_reverse_8888_8888_process_tail
diff --git a/pixman/pixman-arm-simd.c b/pixman/pixman-arm-simd.c
index dd6b907..c17ce5a 100644
--- a/pixman/pixman-arm-simd.c
+++ b/pixman/pixman-arm-simd.c
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (armv6, add_8_8,
                                    uint8_t, 1, uint8_t, 1)
 PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (armv6, over_8888_8888,
                                    uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
+PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_SRC_DST (armv6, in_reverse_8888_8888,
+                                   uint32_t, 1, uint32_t, 1)
 PIXMAN_ARM_BIND_FAST_PATH_N_DST (0, armv6, over_reverse_n_8888,
                                  uint32_t, 1)
@@ -241,6 +243,11 @@ static const pixman_fast_path_t arm_simd_fast_paths[] =
     PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, a8b8g8r8, 
     PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (OVER, solid, a8, x8b8g8r8, 
+    PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN_REVERSE, a8r8g8b8, null, a8r8g8b8, 
+    PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN_REVERSE, a8r8g8b8, null, x8r8g8b8, 
+    PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN_REVERSE, a8b8g8r8, null, a8b8g8r8, 
+    PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH (IN_REVERSE, a8b8g8r8, null, x8b8g8r8, 
     PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, a8r8g8b8, 
     PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8r8g8b8, x8r8g8b8, 
     PIXMAN_STD_FAST_PATH_CA (OVER, solid, a8b8g8r8, a8b8g8r8, 

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