Dementia 2020
The Next Phase
17th of April 2018 - RSM, London

Govconnect are delighted to announce that the next conference in our
Dementia 2020 Series will be held on the 17th April 2018 at the RSM,

Dementia 2020 – The Next Phase will serve as a full formal review of the
Implementation Plan up to 2018 and will assess whether we have achieved the
actions included as we move into phase two, hearing from senior leaders
from many of the key partner organisations involved in the 2020 Challenge.

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Speakers Include

Jeremy Hughes
Chief Executive
Alzheimer`s Society

Hilary Evans
Chief Executive
Alzheimer`s Research UK

Andrea Sutcliffe
Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care
Care Quality Commission

Margaret Willcox
Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)

Professor Gillian Leng
Director for Health and Social Care
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

Sarah Pickup
Deputy Chief Executive
Local Government Association (LGA)

The implementation provides a details for the priorities and actions up to
2018, it then summarises the further actions from 2018-2020. These will be
considered further when progress is reviewed and the plan is refreshed in
2018, this conference will allow delegates to learn the new actions up to
2020 and hear more detailed delivery plans for them.

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